
Why is everyone so mean spirited?

Since Chess has no luck, scallywags are left wit' naught but insults, rather than excuses. When someone loses, gets told that an openin' they like be bad, E.T.C., they can nah jump t' the, 'You got lucky!', or, 'The opening isn't bad; the players who've tried it just got unlucky!' type o' arguments.
people get mean spirited in anonymity created by online. Nothing chess specific on this
'It's chess , we're all prima donnas ' :,Harry Beltik ,The Queens Gambit
@petri999 said in #3:
> people get mean spirited in anonymity created by online. Nothing chess specific on this

I certainly agree that meanness has nothing specific to do with chess. And I agree that anonymity can aid and abet those who are genuinely mean spirited. But I also believe that most online "meanness" is nothing of the sort in reality. Instead it is based on misunderstandings due to the highly simplified nature of online communication - no facial expressions, no tone of voice, none of the subtle non-verbal communication which actually dominates real life contact, everything we say has to be blunt and to the point.
I remember playing chess with some young woman on Yahoo...she had the nerve to say that I played using "brute force" and didn't make any brilliant moves. Well, I didn't make any brilliant moves, but I played a fair game. Was I supposed to play recklessly and take a chance that I might lose? I should have just let it go, but I foolishly said she was just angry because she lost. Anyway, she left herself wide open for my rooks and queen (they formed a battery) AND moved one of her rooks in front of my major pieces. She could have simply left her pieces on the back rank without challenging my battery...I had no winning moves until she challenged my front rook. It ended in a back-rank checkmate. Now, maybe I was out of line in suggesting she was a sore loser, and maybe she was frustrated with some area of life and was simply venting, rude as it seemed to me. We never played again after that day. I could have learned to be more tactful in the end, but, instead, I took her insults as a personal attack. We all have bad days. I hope I have not been too much of a jerk on this website. I don't gain anything by being mean, and I certainly don't like myself any better at the end of the day...
I just wanted to say that I don't think of Lichess as a "meanie magnet." And Yahoo chess wasn't necessarily a magnet for mean people either. My opponent and I both had a bad day. The only thing I really didn't like about Yahoo chess was that people could, on occasion, "switch sides" (they could play your side if you were winning and they would get your rating points...that only happened to me once, and I suppose I can laugh it off now...okay, I'll shut up now...
If you mean your posts, its topic related. If you describe your training and ask for suggestions, that almost always gets a lot of helpful responses. If you pick a topic that is more controversial like Hans or whatever . . . lol, for whatever reason some topics just bring out the crazies.

If you mean arseholes during games, I hardly ever get them here. Maybe because I'm a bit higher rated and play almost entirely 960. I think of those that rant during games are mostly children or drunk/stoned, but I dunno, some people are just that way.

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