
[Puzzle] After Qxg7+, how do I know where my king should be going? Is there a general rule?

Here is the puzzle:

I never know where I should be moving my king in situations like that. I remember puzzles where the king is beeing attacked by a queen or a rook in line two or seven. In that case bringing the king to the corner in line one or eight seems to be the best move most of the times.

But is there a generel rule in the case of this puzzle above, something like a generel pattern I could learn and follow? Or maybe there is some way to evalute the right spot for the king?

In the puzzle above I would think that Kd6 and Kc6 make sense. Kc8 would be possible too, maybe. Since the other two options hang the rook, they do not make sense.

Thanks for your time!
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> Nope, it's pretty much all tactical there (you have to calculate).

Since I can't seem to get it right most of the time: How do I calculate that? For some reason the kings movement seems to be the most difficult to calculate for me.

How would you calculate that if you were to play the best move in that puzzle? Or do you just calculate every possible king move really deeply? The thing is that if you look at stockfish's evaluation in that puzzle, it actually says Kc6 is the only move. Everything else results in a draw. The difference seems to be quite huge but I still can't figure it out in game / while doing the puzzle.
Not easy and certainly hard to find in real time game.
One has to look for some lines to think about probable moves before making the move, would have no issue had it occurred in a classical game as one can well use the time for thinking.
Generally the king wants to hide. I intuitively play Kc6 here because it lets me duck behind the c5 rook to b5 and break queen checks as fast as possible.
@WorldOfBlunder said in #1:
> Here is the puzzle:
> I never know where I should be moving my king in situations like that. I remember puzzles where the king is beeing attacked by a queen or a rook in line two or seven. In that case bringing the king to the corner in line one or eight seems to be the best move most of the times.
> But is there a generel rule in the case of this puzzle above, something like a generel pattern I could learn and follow? Or maybe there is some way to evalute the right spot for the king?
> In the puzzle above I would think that Kd6 and Kc6 make sense. Kc8 would be possible too, maybe. Since the other two options hang the rook, they do not make sense.
> Thanks for your time!
Just kind of as a general rule, Kc6 gets your king farther away from the enemy queen and closer to a shelter from checks. I din't calculate really, Kc6 just looked "safer" to me.
Just another note: Kd6 and Kc8 don't lose the game, but White has a perpetual check.
@dnowmects said in #5:
> Generally the king wants to hide. I intuitively play Kc6 here because it lets me duck behind the c5 rook to b5 and break queen checks as fast as possible.

@codingmasterggg said in #6:
> Just kind of as a general rule, Kc6 gets your king farther away from the enemy queen and closer to a shelter from checks. I din't calculate really, Kc6 just looked "safer" to me.

I have to say that makes perfect sense. You helped me a lot, thank you!

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