
Team new features

- Is it possible to add more features for teams to make the idea of having or being in a team more exciting ?
I don't have a particular one tbh, I just thought it has lesser value specially after removing tournaments points and top 10 best players recently. maybe having team vs team feature could make the idea more competitive ? maybe having some XP points and level ranking with nice medals icon in each level (cooper- bronze - silver - gold - legend - dynasty etc...) the more XP a team gain in team wars or tourney points the higher level the team reach ? ( i'm just brainstorming some ideas here... )

thank you in advance lichess team <3
Good Idea to look for more - but I feel like sometimes less is more.
That it is a bit silence at the moment has more to do with late summer I think.
Soon the evenings are dark and all will awake with their super-hero-accounts to battle here...
KATG already has a very lot!
sometimes I lose overview through the Forum-news.
What I would like to look at during the winter is a .....

maybe only twice per month - where a good player teach all the KATG Guys.
That would be something spezial - that we all hang together but kind of serious and someone like FM Schemato, Jonnnyboy or Rook would explain things about their thoughts.
after that would maybe be a KATG Tournament 2 hours - so we would have a reason to enjoy a evening together.
And soon should be possible to talk to the students over Lichess - so we all could hear what the teacher is showing and write our questions.
That would be (s)koool :)
I even would donate for that a little amount of money every lesson - because I love KATG! :*
That sounds like a good idea KTP! Also Kaza, good idea to mention ideas to the lichess team. Bzw I have started work again after summer break so less time to be online...also I spend more time practicing tactics and openings due to the season starting soon in my local league over the board. A team school would give me a chance to combine those two things... Have a good evening/day/night everyone!
These are all some great ideas!
I was also thinking if lichess could implement team vs team matches.
That would be nice.
Team vs. Team would bring the world even more together!
Oh - I misunderstood @kazamaza s opening in that treat. I thought it's in our forum about our own team.
Sorry - my english isn't always good enough. So forget the thing I wrote up there about the Team-School.... but:
team vs team feature would be great - maybe also with a system that from every team opponents from the same ranking get paired. So you need a battle team with minimum one player on every 200 Rating points and a titled one. So perhaps if you don't have a lower player the other opponent around maybe 1000 get a free point - so it pushes you to also bring weaker players into your team and the have their use there in the team battle.
What I also like in Table tennis Worldcup that they have a mixed double where a women plays with a man together against the other two. If something like that could be brought to (Li)-chess I don't know how.
But to bring teams together is a great Idea and thanks Kazamaza and thanks Lichess for pushing this.
Because the people from one team stay often kind of isolated in their own world and it would help to bring them in touch with other players from other teams....
....but for sure you all already have many thoughts and plans about those things - because Lichess is so smart and dedicated.
Thanks for all!

ps. I forgot to say....
In table tennis we also do tournaments (double) where you join in without partner and you just get a random partner - so you play with someone maybe you didn't know jet.
(sometimes they made that the strongest has to play with the weakest and so on... Many funny ideas, not all working in chess...)
But the first one would be coool...
A team tournament where just everyone also without a team can join in and then you get random on one side of a team and fight the others. (both teams would have equal total ranking strength)
That would help many to meet new people and give the possibility to be for one time in a team fight maybe with one of our heros like Chessnetwork, Eric Rosen, Zhigalko, Penguingim1, or even with the super......
Dr.Thibauuuuuuult! :D
How about team leapfrog simuls, Distrochess-style? :p

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