
Is There a Cure for Coronavirus?

Stand on your head ten minutes every morning.
It's like asking "is there a cure for the flu". In at least 96% of the cases, your body is able to recover from Covid-19. In the future there might be vaccines available.

Future will tell, if we will be able to get totally rid of it.
Trump has sacked his entire Heath Advisory department and is,as we speak,bunkered down in his private laboratory working on the problem.
He tweeted he should have it all sorted by lunch time,and once again he will save the world.
Thank you President Trump!!
WHO members wear BLUE masks and gloves ... this is why they have huge EGO problems of saving the day ... they dress differently ... just like people wore massive shoes in the medieval period to denote their egotistical financial STATUS ... the VACCINE against the WHO is to wear ... blue condoms ... u will loose the ego BUT u wont loose the ability to shop :)
I continue to advocate for the use of giant plastic hamster balls to prevent the spread of the disease.
There are old studies that show 70% of the sick recovering from RS (the problem that Corona virus causes) by using Vitamin D, and in the last few days very promising news about hydroxychloroquine helping many people recover seems to be a very effective remedy. The man who discovered Vitamin C, and has 2 Noble prizes to his credit believed that high doses of it also treat many conditions including RS. Several studies and famous doctors and researchers back up these claims with thousands of their patients, but big pharma will not let your TV and radio tell you this, because big Pharma runs ads on TV and radio for their drugs. Natural cures are in direct competition with these drugs.

How old exactly are those studies? Post the links..I think you are not telling the whole story here.
The man who discovered vitamin c was wrong..and he admitted it.Large doses can kill you.
Quinine derivative has been used since before WW2 to combat malaria...Trump when questioned was unaware of this fact,and said it was a new drug he had ordered research to be stepped up on.

To sum up,then..the trump / kusokosla cure for covid-19 is to sit out in the sun and eat oranges and drink tonic water.

God bless you President Trump!!

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