
Puzzle storm contains a lot of repeats

Loving the new Puzzle Storm feature. The about page claims:

> We have more than a million puzzles, so it should be very rare to see a puzzle more than once. The Puzzle Storm set is renewed every 6 seconds.

This is not true in my experience. Most of the time when I'm playing it, I'd estimate that 25-50% of the puzzles (out of ~25) I have seen before in other Puzzle Storm runs. Maybe there aren't many puzzles at the low ratings?

So far, a lot of the skill seems to be in memorising the answers and quickly applying them.
I been watching some YouTube videos of people using Puzzle Rush and I noticed a few puzzles that I recognized that I had played so I am wondering if the lower rated ones are the ones that I am seeing since I don't play blitz at all so can't get as many as some people that I have seen.
Yes I talked about this in a similar thread.
I think Lichess has to fix this.
Unfortunately, short of screencapping your runs, you can't see which puzzles you have and have not played before.

MANY have, for example, a theme of an opponent white K on g1 and R on a7, and you with a black fianchettoed B on g7, and d4 unguarded allowing a fork. I suspect that there are probably at least a dozen where that is the most important feature, but the unimportant details vary from one to the next. Precisely BECAUSE those details are not salient to the solution, you don't remember them, particularly when you are blitzing out moves as fast as possible. To you, it's the same puzzle. To lichess, one is TqX17v and the next is RBmU7B.
Ok, I hadn't considered that there might just be puzzles that seem very similar but are actually distinct.

At the low levels, I guess there are tons which basically consist of moving the queen from D1 to A4 to fork a bishop on B4. I ran across and in the same puzzlestorm!

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