
QGD - where does the bishop belong?

@cyqsimon said in #10:
> To my human eyes c5 by white seems suspicious if black can play b6. In my experience oftentimes it just gives away a free pawn.
> Funnily enough SF disagrees, says c5 is one of the best moves after Bd6 so what do I know
c5 like moves can be considered good by engines because they can evaluate positions and calculate lines far better than us.
but in human chess I think c5 should be a dubious move
I would play be7 because of c5.

I can not understand why c5 is dubious. I find bd6 more dubious because black is losing a tempo.

With c5 black closes the centre, but no more.
@magicsacrifblunder said in #12:
> I would play be7 because of c5.
> I can not understand why c5 is dubious. I find bd6 more dubious because black is losing a tempo.
> With c5 black closes the centre, but no more.
see that variation in comment #6
black looks better with the break a5
and I hope you wont use engine in analysing that variation... as human thinking is considered here
I am not afraid of c5. I would feel comfortable after c5.

After I played around a bit I think the issue is with 8. ... c5, so as black this is a desirable move and after 9. dxc5 you usually wanna take back with the knight, but after 9.... Nxc5 10. b4 and you cant retreat to d7. Seems like white is getting an edge there.
With the bishop on e7, you just play Nd7 and his pawn is hanging.

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