
Do you think Magnus is ''The Greatest Chess Player of All Time''?

Right now? It's kind of a fight between Carlsen and Kasparov. I don't really cheer for Kasparov, but Magnus is getting older. Of course, Norwegian chess players are one of the best in the world, but so are russians. Garry is first, then Magnus. It repeats, but I think right now in FIDE, Magnus is obviously first. Sadly, I just realized Garry retired xD. So now, Magnus Carlsen, Norwegian Chess Grandmaster is I think the strongest...RIGHT NOW!

> P.S.
> Why did I say "RIGHT NOW" (or the last 2 words I sent in the first paragraph)? I said it because Paul Murphy and Bobby Fischer are way better. NGL Magnus is gonna retire real soon. He's getting really old (for chess), believe me! I believe I said earlier that Magnus is playing for 1 bitcoin or about $50,000. I think he wishes for 2 xD.
@aarush_samanta said in #41:
> Right now? It's kind of a fight between Carlsen and Kasparov. I don't really cheer for Kasparov, but Magnus is getting older. Of course, Norwegian chess players are one of the best in the world, but so are russians. Garry is first, then Magnus. It repeats, but I think right now in FIDE, Magnus is obviously first. Sadly, I just realized Garry retired xD. So now, Magnus Carlsen, Norwegian Chess Grandmaster is I think the strongest...RIGHT NOW!

You know he's a millionaire, right?
50k that's pocket money for him, he might just redistribute it just like he did for the titled arenas.
@Akbar2thegreat Complete Nonsense. Knowledge is continuously increasing in chess. And it has nothing to do with engines. Plus, Magnus didn't even grew up in the engine era. He was born in 1990 and learnt chess in 1995, hence he was never used to practice with chess engines, who are stronger than humans. In 2007, engines finally managed to reach the 3000 elo barrier, and that depended on what computer you have (I was born in 2006 that's why I don't have much clue about how they used engine back then, probably these strong engines weren't available for everyone). In 2007 Magnus was already GM for 4 years and that's why engines never influenced his style of play that much. Even today, Magnus prefers not to use engine while preparation and training. I'm 2100 Fide rated myself, and I know that engines don't play a big role in your chess development. The engine only spits out millions of variations and possibilities, but it doesn't explain why one move is selected to be the best from a human point of view. An engine is programmed and doesn't think like a human. Even if you take an example of a self-learning AI like Alpha zero, which learns from human games and develops a more human like playing style, it is still not even close to human play. So tell me how does good play by the engines contribute to worse play of humans?? Like wtf are you even talking about? If you are a strong player or a player that has the will to improve at chess and use an engine for analysis, you use it in a correct way. And by doing that, you can only get better, not worse. So stfu and think first before you say/type.
@aarush_samanta Bruh, Magnus will even beat Morphy in a 30 player simul, if not blindfolded. Chess knowledge has increased a lot since then, even opening theory is more vast than in Morphy's time. With Bobby things get a lot tougher, but also here I would be on Magnus' side if they would have played together. It would be a very close one, though. Like a 24 game WC match between Magnus and Bobby, as well as a 24 game match against Kasparov, like they were used to back then. If I recap Bobby's and Kasparov's games, it gives me a truly satisfying feeling. They're games are so lively, both had a unique style of play. Also if you compare positional players like Karpov with Magnus, I like Karpov's games more. The 1970-2010 era of chess has sooo beautiful games, so much to learn. Chess technique at it's best. But clearly, Magnus has developed a playing style, which is a deadly mixture of Karpov, Kasparov, Bobby, Capablanca, Alekhine and all those legends of the 20th century. Clearly the most naturally gifted chess player of all time.
Please, don't you all forget that the end of the adjournements changed classical chess forever. Now chess is much more kind of a stamina game.
I stand corrected. Every chess player born after 1985 has significant effect by chess engines. I can't suppress your childish remarks but I am sure that if Magnus was born before 1960 then he would be much stronger than today's Magnus.
Well, you didn't answer thread's question.
Magnus is definitely not the best player ever but he is best in engine era.
Yes? No? Maybe so! Who knows?

Not sure? Just follow your gut.

I actually searched up, “Who is the greatest chess player?”, and google told me:

#8 Emanuel Lasker.
#7 Vladimir Kramnik.
#6 Mikhail Botvinnik.
#5 Anatoly Karpov.
#4 Jose Raul Capablanca.
#3 Bobby Fischer.
#2 Magnus Carlsen. <— Not exactly the best... maybe? Eh.
#1 Garry Kasparov.

We all have opinions, stay with them.

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