
Feature request: take more severe actions against disconnecters

Hello. Disconnecting may happen, but you see all the time people disconnecting or letting time run out when losing, or failing to start games. I suggest to put a week limit to this and when one exceeds it he gets banned.

Happens too often and it's annoying.
I think internet disconnections should not trigger this type of mechanism and If I'm not mistaken I thought that after 1 minute or so you can claim a victory
@Wither77 said in #2:
> I think internet disconnections should not trigger this type of mechanism and If I'm not mistaken I thought that after 1 minute or so you can claim a victory

When one closes the window or the app it looks like internet disconnection, so I disagree. And I don't like having to wait a whole minute because my opponent wants me to suffer because I beaten him.

Even worse when they stay connected and let time run out, even for 5-10 minutes. They should all get permabanned, they're not so few, and lichess seems not to be taking serious actions since they're so many.
Yeah I think just a report button with several options will be good
@giancz91 said in #1:
> Hello. Disconnecting may happen, but you see all the time people disconnecting or letting time run out when losing, or failing to start games. I suggest to put a week limit to this and when one exceeds it he gets banned.
> Happens too often and it's annoying.
yeah that's why we have the feature to accept victory after a timer runs out. Lichess does give some warnings.
@SamanyayGhosh said in #6:
> yeah that's why we have the feature to accept victory after a timer runs out. Lichess does give some warnings.

Yeah but warnings are still not enough 10minute game ban is enough and increasing the time for every ban
@Wither77 said in #7:
> Yeah but warnings are still not enough 10minute game ban is enough and increasing the time for every ban
Hm true.
Players do get playbanned, its not shown on their profiles
Lichess doesn't care at all about this and is therefore not doing anything.

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