
Big problem in chess

Hello everyone.
I want to tell you about my problem in chess:
The fact is that when I have a strong queen or rook activity, I have a very strong fear of making a simple blunder and losing this piece. As the saying goes, " if you are afraid of something, it will come to you faster. That's what happens, I lose my queen/rook.
I ask for your advice if you have any
Have a nice day.
@Eyvazova_2009 , try to be careful and not to make very large movements (eg late game) it is better to leave the queen or the rook closest to the king. if it is in the middle of the game, it depends on the situation, but only sacrifice a piece when you are sure and think about the consequences of this movement !!! good luck !!! and all the best !!!
Relax and know that inside you is a strong and beautiful player who wants to reach his lofty goal
This is a natural response to danger. People under stress do not perform as well as when they are in a relaxed state. The best way to deal with someone begin aggressive is to stop and think if they are truly making moves that will present problems or is it similar to a bluff that when called you realize there is no real danger.

Essentially do not react your opponents threat but analyze what is it that they are trying to accomplish. Perhaps what they are doing can be ignored as it can be easily defended or maybe they have over extended themselves and will be subject to attack.

You need to look at things analytically and not emotionally. It is not an easy thing to do but it is important to learn how to remain calm in chess.

Best of luck.
The good thing is you are aware of this problem in your play. I think it may help to work on tactics and especially look out for backwards diagonals and pins while you are playing. Be suspicious if your opponent offers you a free piece or pawn: Check if you are walking into a trap. Especially if you place your king and queen on the same line og diagonal. The more tactical patterns you know the quicker you will discover if your opponent is trying to trick you, and the more you will build confidence and maybe be the one who tricks your opponent instead :)

When it comes to your strong fear of losing the queen/rook, I think it is good in one way, because of course you want to keep your pieces! But if this fear becomes too strong I think it may help to work on this too. Sometimes it can help to ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen? Ok, so you may lose your queen and the game. You can have a look at the game, see where you went wrong, and learn and use this knowledge for the next game. Everybody blunders sometimes, even the world champion.

Best of luck to you!
Also avoid getting caught in "trapping" openings (like botez gambit , ect...) which could make you lose an important piece , in particular in blitz, bullet, ultrabullet ect ... beware of the notion of "batteries" for example as in this game , it's a shame because the game was not lost but you had not anticipated the opponent's turn move and you failed to protect the queen, the turn move Ra1 could have solidified the position. you have to play a lot and learn from your mistakes, it happens to everyone !!! think of a "simpler" strategic concept and ask yourself "what is my opponent going to play after this move" (preferably think about it before playing the move) and that if you find a good move, find a better one !! !

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