
Ask me anything stupid

@Sanmita said in #39:
> Biology is my favorite subject. I was given a Biology textbook when I was around 11 years old and I couldn't stop reading it. I think biology is the definition of "When you are able to teach something you have learned, you have truly mastered it." But yeah,I think it takes lots of revision.

Agreed , like Einstein said : " if you can't explain something to a 6 year old , then you don't really understand it yourself " , what's cool about Biology in my opinion is how you can understand basic stuff you do everyday instantly , like how digestion works , what foods affects muscles , bones , etc .
@Diablo4747 said in #41:
> Agreed , like Einstein said : " if you can't explain something to a 6 year old , then you don't really understand it yourself " , what's cool about Biology in my opinion is how you can understand basic stuff you do everyday instantly , like how digestion works , what foods affects muscles , bones , etc .

I completely agree!
hope you can answer my stupid question:

isnt suicide a kind of self-defense because you were trying to kill the person who was trying to kill you?
@mortmann said in #46:
> hope you can answer my stupid question:
> isnt suicide a kind of self-defense because you were trying to kill the person who was trying to kill you?

but you killed yourself in the process of doing so
@SuperHarryPotterFan said in #30:
> Am I stupid to ask this question, and when I was asking that question, was I considering it stupid?
no or yes idk
you have 3 bones in 1 finger to be simple you have 3 line segments you can count them
@Raven-Darklake said in #33:
> do u like anyone?
@Diablo4747 said in #36:
> what gave you this idea ? cause it's pretty cool lol
i copied it
@Diablo4747 said in #35:
> Love it ! I study the four branches of maths + physics and when it comes to coordinate-goemetry it's cool , it takes time to practice but it becomes easier once you improve at 3d space orientations , statics , dynamics and solid geometry are quite connected since you study the object in a stable state in statics with the aid of solid geometry , once it moves now you transition to dynamics , algebra is quite easy , calculus is a bit tricky though , what do you think on biology ?
its hard to learn maths is easy
@MIHIR_KATTI said in #43:
> Are u in high school?
@CassandraSante said in #45:
> are u a failure?
@mortmann said in #46:
> hope you can answer my stupid question:
> isnt suicide a kind of self-defense because you were trying to kill the person who was trying to kill you?
suicide could be of different things too only torture is not the reason

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