
How do I not lose horribly vs a GM?

In a couple weeks I am playing a GM in an OTB simul. I have never played a titled player, and I am meant to have the second highest seeding of the players he is facing. Also, I don’t want to lose in 2 minutes. Any advice?
>Also, I don’t want to lose in 2 minutes. Any advice?

Drag out your moves. You can totally stall for three minutes.

Seriously, if you have to ask how to beat a GM, you're not going to beat a GM. You're just hoping they get distracted by other games and blunder horribly.

You can watch GothamChess solve some GM puzzles, to see what you're up against.
You will lose. Just play an opening with which you feel comfortable and enjoy the experience as it is.
@dnowmects said in #2:
> Seriously, if you have to ask how to beat a GM, you're not going to beat a GM. You're just hoping they get distracted by other games and blunder horribly.

I know I will lose, I just don’t want to embarrass myself and want to drag out the game at least a little
@ReallyLowELO said in #4:
> I know I will lose, I just don’t want to embarrass myself and want to drag out the game at least a little

You cant embarras yourself thats why he is giving a simul.

Would feel embarrassed if Mike tyson Knocked you out with the first hit?

Why play if you cant enjoy yourself?
@ReallyLowELO said in #4:
> I know I will lose, I just don’t want to embarrass myself and want to drag out the game at least a little

I guess you have the option of doing what the grandmasters do, and analyzing the GM's games ahead of time to try to find lines they have trouble with. You know who they are already, right?

If you only want to avoid embarrassment, just focus on playing a main line and not falling for traps. Use your time, make sure you don't blunder.

Alternately, attack non-stop, sacrifice your whole board and lose super dramatically. Bongcloud him, he'll never expect it!
It's a level playing field , play with confidence xxx if it's forced mate there's nothing they can do xxx it's the same pieces , same board xxx
If you lose in 10 moves, your king was not safe.
If you lose in 20, your not blocking or protecting the pieces.

Don't forget after 25 moves, it's the end of the opening phase.
You need to last at least 25 moves so you can say you survived the opening phase. @ReallyLowELO

If you lose in 30 moves, at least you got to see the middle game.
If you lose in 40, at least you reached an end game.
If you lose in 50, at least you gave the GM a hard time.
If you last beyond 60, well ... well done.

When I play an engine, I want it to last. Chess pieces have value and so do the moves. Consider every chess move like it was a life that added years to the age of the king. With 60 moves your king could be 120 years old. Long live the King.

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