
Does above 96% accuracy means he or she is cheating??

You definitely need more suspicious signs to consider that someone is cheating than only high accuracy.

The one cheater i reported on Lichess (and i got a notification about the player being banned for fairplay about 1 minute after) had 98% accuracy, ZERO inaccuracies, mistakes and blunders, 6 average centipawn loss in a 30-ish move game (which i consider an anomaly at my rating, but ofc not impossible). And my opponent made the top engine move with almost exactly 4 second thinking time for like 12 moves in a row in an opening he had never played before (on that account at least).

Another sign is to feel kinda slowly strangled and that you really dont have any decent moves at all in the middlegame.
But ya it's an unhealthy habit to suspect that people who play good games against you and win, are cheating.

That said if your opponent is portraying MULTIPLE suspicious signs i don't think there's any harm in reporting them for cheating so Lichess can look into it, that is what the function is for afterall.
Accuracy % is not parallel to cheating or not. More parellel is complete repertoire of every opening in many games. Another way to help the police is when you are sure you are hopeless no matter what you play, hang the Q. Hang her so plain it culdtn possibly be anything sacrificial. Then watch the same X point 6 seconds as all the other moves be spent deciding they are supposed to take her hahaha.
My highest is 98% on Lichess. gave that game 100%. Lichess took some points of because it didn't like the Italian Game. Technically, the best is the Ruy Lopez.
From my point of view, the most effective way to detect a cheater is to first check what the engine thinks of the game, and then check the time for each move your opponent plays, if they are playing within a constant time interval to play all their moves, even the obvious moves and complex moves. To detect cheaters who are more discreet (those who don't use the computer every time or those who anticipate the move line to play it fast or who purposely make mistakes to fuck up their accuracy), one of the things I like to analyze is the moment they make the mistake. Let me explain, if your opponent has made 2 blunders, and they still allow you to keep an advantage for him, you may have doubts. I've also noticed that cheaters like to play the 2nd or 3rd move on the computer to look less suspicious, even when the 1st move is obvious (a queen's win, a fork etc). There's also the opening that can help you detect a cheater (for example, I played against someone who played c3-pawn, queen-c2 and d1-king just to lose a few points to his accuracy score), when your opponent repeat one time in a totally winning position ( the computer always recommand to do that). All of this can help you to find if your opponent is a cheater or not, and if you have doubt check the other games that he played ( cheater like to completely throw one game just to seem less suspicious ). And finally if your opponent often plays rapid and his elo is 2300, and often plays bullet and his elo is 800, It can also be an argument to detect a cheater.
PS sorry for the bad quality of my English

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