
Need to help to evaluate several position of this game [analysis provided in the message]


I played a blitz game, and as usual after a game, I'm trying to analyze it without computer and then with the computer. But, here, the game felt really chaotic. It was really hard to evaluate the position without entering into concrete variations.

I made a lichess study with some notes, can you help me to understand better the game ? How do you humanly analyze a game like that ? Especially based on the fact that I'm 1300 in blitz and 1600 in classical.

In addition of the notes I've added, here's a quick review of the game with my specific questions.

Until move 9, I'm trying to develop classically, but I start to understand he's going some kind of Hippo defense. I'm always disturbed when they do something like that. I'm trying something but it didn't work as expected...

At move 18, I'm trying to open the position. But here, I'm unable to evaluate the position... What is your thought process to evaluate it (after move e5) ?

At move 20, I made a blunder, that I immediately realized. My opponent misses the tactic so I thought I was saved and I thought my position was better ! But it wasn't the case...

So, after move 19..fxg5, how do you evaluate the position ? How to see I was already losing ?

I was totally unable to evaluate correctly the position... During the post-game analysis without the computer, even after 22..Qe7 I thought I was winning.

But in fact, if I have played the safer move 23.c3, there is a crushing move Nc4, but it can be difficult to find for my opponent at our level. But even a move like 23..e4 was winning for the computer !

In conclusion, I would like to know if it's possible to evaluate easily the position from a human point of view in the several moves I noticed.

My main positionnal mistake is 19.fxg5 but I'm still unable to "see" it's a mistake... Thanks for your help.
Maybe just castle kingside and play a4 position already looks scary by the time you made the mistake edit take this with grain of salt as i have practically no experiance against hippo
Yes, but how do you "justify" castling kingside and playing a4 ? Which pattern do you notify to see it's better to play 0-0 ?
E4 pawn will hang if black gets to play b5+soon c5 .white also cant get counterplay in kingside soon .by castling king side black should not have much to do in all sides of board

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