
Creating a blog

Is it possible for users to post blogs on Lichess? I couldn't find any means to post blog or more information.
Kindly let me know. Thanks
try creating a team from the community menu on the main menu bar. Once created you can either have open membership or not (people have to contact you to become members), in either cases, you become the moderator of what happens in the forum part of that team.

you can re-purpose such team forum, to have the topics you want, there are examples, but the best is to try yourself.
just don't delete the first post of your threads unless you want to delete the whole thread. Otherwise no irreversible blunders I can think of right now.

Make sure you put somewhere always visible that is it a blog, and you want your top topics to be yours, but that comments are welcome. you can also close the threads where you want to be the only writer (you can re-open). You can make sister-thread for comments, or sibling team with open membership for comments, with closed threads containing bridging links....

have fun experimenting. i had. I also blundered in a non-experimental team. hence the warning above. I hope this helps.
I know of one such team that has is mostly blog-like. although, what is a blog?
no problem, I have a hard time being concise or cryptic (I get confused between the two, so i put more details, when in doubt) %)
If you want an example, I did do exactly that (use a team as a blog), see my profile.

Then I set up a free hosted website and it was far better. On lichess, you cannot edit posts after a certain duration has passed, you cannot use Markdown or indeed any formatting, etc. The one advantage is that you can embed chessboards easily, but that's also easy with HTML.

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