
0 second removes violate common sense.

#9 No, it does not make the situation even worse because the players will have the chance to save the draw in drawn positions via threefold repetition or the 50 moves rule somewhen. Having the chance of beeing flagged in such positions is ridiculous - in my optinion.
And another question comes to my mind: why deduct 0,1s per premove? Why not 0,02 or 5 seconds per premove?
There is no correct answer. This alone should make clear, that 0s premove is the only proper solution. ;-)
Playing with increment is another option, yes. But I am currently not sure, what I hate more... >0s premoves or increment. ;-)
0,1 second is faster time you could reasonably hit the clock. So it is good deduction. I Think it is better in ordert to avoid silly moving around never ending.

Best solution. Play with longer time limits:
- is more like chess anyway
- pre-moves really do not mean that much

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