
Negative feedback removed

@MrPushwood said in #9:
> And incidentally I don't think a blogger should be able to delete anybody else's remarks.
> After all, you have to agree to open up a thread on the forums for comments. And if you do that, I don't think you should be able to "chicken out" and only accept what you want to hear.

Yeah? If it was lichess, I strongly disagree with their decision.
@MrPushwood said in #8:
> Well, a more likely reason the coaching market is not "regulated" is because it's not entirely clear how that would be done.

No. The reason is there is law. Law is not made by @giancz91 and @MrPushwood and also not by the NGO lichess, but by the goverment of the country you live in. Lichess can decide who can list themselves on their site, the laws of your country decides whether you are allowed to do a certain job with qualification only (for example a master title) or not.

You can debate all day long, but the fact remains that at the end of the day, it's none of your business what others do, as long as it's legal. Law is there to fight injustice and to protect a persons rights. If you feel like kids are being robbed of their money by evil wanna-be chess coaches that cannot even teach, you can start a petition and get a couple hundred thousand votes for prohibiting non-masters to teach. Everything else is just hate and sticking your nose in other's peoples business.

It's as if you don't like the relationship between a 40 year old man and his 20 year old wife. It's perfectly legal, but you feel like you would need to protect her from him. It's none of your business in the end. People should learn to just let others live, as it is their right to do so by law.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #12:

I disagree on everything. Are you saying that you don't do nothing bad until you follow laws? Ok, so in life be rude, unloyal, unsensitive, egoist, fake. None of these things are against law, and even being dishonest and a liar many times isn't against law.

Your example too doesn't suit.
In the end, since it wasn't removed by Lichess mod, so there's no issue with that. A case of blog by some user. Just move on!
@giancz91 said in #1:
> Hello, I posted a negative comment in a blog post comment section and it got removed<

I just tried to find the blog post comment section in a blog. I wasn`t able to find it. Where is this section ? Can you show an example ! Don`t show the blog which you were originally talking about ! Choose a different one.

Are you maybe talking about the reviews in the coaches section ?

Are you talking about this section or about this section ?
@giancz91 said in #3:
> I thought something like that could have been possible, I was even going to ask, I don't know why I didn't. Thank you, if it's possible probably it's what happened.
Is it? I mean you can try and see that for yourselves..

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