
What admins don't want you to know

Yeah, I agree with that. But a lot of the time, the user has to pay. So I guess unless lichess can take a cut of some of the teaching charge (like, 15% on top of whatever the coach charges), it wouldn't work. And even then, thibault might prefer a less consumerist approach.
If he was cheating, good riddance. If he wasn't cheating, well, I think it was time for him to take a break from chess and go outside anyway.

good to see jrobi and kingcrusher interact on this site. I am a fan of both!!

Regarding riplichess's allegations... the very fact that your post is here, and not deleted says something about the openness and tolerant atmosphere on lichess.

Your allegations are without any evidence, they are speculative, and at the very least offensive, because they go against the the very principles for which this website exists - play without ads, play without registering (and hence being recognized), play free, etc. Moreover, thibault and clarkey and others practically have built everything from scratch, spending their own time and money.. for us to enjoy free chess... I think you should 'think a bit', before you start speculating and commenting on their motives.
Whatever cafestream said is absolutely correct and I have full faith on the admins regarding this special case!
So, folks stop speculating and accept the fact.
I just want to point out that no chess website is immune to cheaters. They are everywhere. Lichess is no exception.

I think the best we can do is to take steps to try to make it harder for cheaters to cheat. As i-am-a-cheater mentioned, stuff like the ability downloading pgn during the game makes cheating very very easy for people.

That maybe a very nice feature for normal users, but features that make it easy for cheats to exploit should be taken down. These are like security vulnerabilities.

I am sure clarkey is working his ass off to make the cheat detection engine better, and since he is doing all this for free, I would like to say that I am very thankful for all your generosity.

Hopefully, eventually we will bring down the cheat ratio and make Lichess really pleasant.
I only have one question after reading this thread: without thinkabit, who is the new Lichess Champion? :o
Never fear, in Lichess' time of need I shall step up and become the champion... when i finally figure out how to solve this tricky mate in one captcha


Cheater will alway find a way to cheat whatever you do. Not implementing a feature because it make it easier to cheat is not a solution.
It is like saying: let's not make a chess website because it allow cheater to cheat....
Although I don't think this is the case...It struck me that a GM who's...for some reason.....anonymity was paramount, may get hounded away as they didn't want to offer their credentials as proof. I'm kind of imagining a verified 'GM anon 1' handle, where GM's could trust that their anonymity would remain intact..after being verified with staff....

a bit rambling...but I hope the spirit makes some sense
how about having a 'mate in 1 captcha' after every move, to rule out bots?

just kidding :)

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