
Coach reviews

Hi guys. I got a message from Lichess with the following text (I boiled it down) "If you would like to receive your reviews, please write to the Lichess account @CoachReviews which we have specifically set up for this purpose. After 30 days from this message to you, we cannot guarantee we will be able to send your reviews to you. "
So I wrote to that account the same day and asked for my reviews, there were around 10 reviews I believe. That was 9 days ago and I haven't received any reply sadly. So if any admins are following this thread, please help me out with this, I think there should be a solution. Regards Richard
People tasked with the matter are currently busy with some other issues, but it hasn't been forgotten.
@Pawnstructures said in #1:
> Hi guys. I got a message from Lichess with the following text (I boiled it down) "If you would like to receive your reviews, please write to the Lichess account @CoachReviews which we have specifically set up for this purpose. After 30 days from this message to you, we cannot guarantee we will be able to send your reviews to you. "
> So I wrote to that account the same day and asked for my reviews, there were around 10 reviews I believe. That was 9 days ago and I haven't received any reply sadly. So if any admins are following this thread, please help me out with this, I think there should be a solution. Regards Richard

Hey Richard,
We read every message, but as bufferunderrun said, it might take another few days as our DPO first has to take a look at the anonymised reviews before they're being sent out. We didn't forget about you, no worries! :)
Thanks, Loepare for explaining the dynamics behind the curtains. I guess I underestimated the administration involved. There are a lot of coaches on Lichess and if only a fraction asks for their reviews back it will put some strain. I wish Lichess would have given some heads up of this beforehand but that's all in the rearview mirror now. Thanks again. / Richard
Hi guys, i wrote to the Lichess account @coachreviews on 2023-07-11 so we are way beyond the 30 days time limit and i have been waiting patiently but still no answer from Lichess about my reviews, not even a reply. Does anyone know what's going on? Regards Richard
@Pawnstructures said in #6:
> Hi guys, i wrote to the Lichess account @coachreviews on 2023-07-11 so we are way beyond the 30 days time limit and i have been waiting patiently but still no answer from Lichess about my reviews, not even a reply. Does anyone know what's going on? Regards Richard
We are very sorry for the delay. In the current time, the summer months, the availability of many volunteers is limited. We have received several hundred inquiries, so for reasons of efficiency we have taken note of all of them, but not confirmed their acknowledgement to all coaches, I therefore ask for your understanding. Most reviews are anonymised and verified by our DPO already, so they should be sent out soon.

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