
"Covidates" 2020, Round 2 Report

I knew Grischuk and Nepomniatchi will achieve something uncommon :) - an elbowshake :)
Credit to Giri for saving the game, nobody appreciates his extraordinary drawing skills!
It was mostly Wang Hao who played too casually in the winning endgame and traded his rook for Giri's rook what was just a blockade instead of the active rook.
@TrappedPiece See, this is what I mean, people critique the opponent's "casual play" but don't give Giri the credit he is due. "Sigh"
PS: Looking forward to starting a fun banter.
So one is supposed to cough into one's elbows and then instead of shaking hands people rub elbows... stupidest thing ever...
@sriramprasad at his level he didn't do anything impressive. Wang Hao just messed it up on his own, not Giri's expertise (in this case at least). Of course he's better than me by a lot, but for his level it was just Wang Hao who made unforced mistakes.
Poor Ding Liren... but I suppose someone has to lose. Remember the 2018 Candidates with Wesley So and Aronian both performing quite poorly. Someone has to lose.
This is tough conditions to play in.

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"General medical checks twice daily, corona checks Round 1 and 10 unless symptoms apparent. At the players meeting Grischuk successfully argued that the players were spending so much time on tests that the forfeit time after the scheduled start should be 15 mins rather than zero."

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