
I’m sorry, but how can you catch cheaters that are using the engine for most moves but not all?

I think a good player can behave as though they are using an engine. They blunder a piece early by playing too fast then concentrate for the rest of the game. It's like playing 2 different people. It can feel like they have switched on an engine.
Has strict criminal law caused less crime and delinquency in advanced societies?
No. Social culture and ethics caused it.
We need to get to the point where all chess players understand they have to choose between chess and cheating.
Just because you lost a game doesn't mean your opponent cheated.

Looking at your most recent game, you played a 45+0 game. However you resigned in 26 moves with 38 minutes left on the clock. That means you were averaging 16 seconds a move in a classical game.

Just putting any cheating aside, do you really feel that's an appropriate amount of time to spend on classical? You might as well play blitz.

It's much easier to blame something else than properly look at your own failings and try to address those.

Move 10 after Qxc3... you spent 6 seconds to decide moving the king was the only move. Your knight could've moved backwards. You'd have been half a pawn down on the engine, which is still more than winnable with so many pieces still on the board.

@SOJB said in #34:
> Why don’t you shut up and not just analyse one random game that I played while totally drunk ,look at my own shortcomings! It’s one game. I love my chess and I love fair and right opponents I do not like people that cheat the system. I know I’m a very average player , look at my own short comings who in the hell do you think you are ,I’m a 1600 rated player never more never less ,just get lost and stop being so high and damn mighty I know I’m a very average player ,thanks for pointing it out again damn

There's no need to get abusive. You've got absolutely zero proof your opponents are cheating, other than you losing games.

It's far more likely that you've played poorly. The game before that, you played an unsound sacrifice that put you -4. The game before THAT, you trapped your own knight, putting you -9 on the engine.

These are all on Classical games and you're spending very little time on your moves.

What I'm trying to say is it would be a far more constructive use of your time to address issues like that which you can control, rather than worrying whether or not your opponent is cheating.
@SOJB said in #34:
> Why don’t you shut up and not just analyse one random game that I played while totally drunk ,look at my own shortcomings! It’s one game. I love my chess and I love fair and right opponents I do not like people that cheat the system. I know I’m a very average player , look at my own short comings who in the hell do you think you are ,I’m a 1600 rated player never more never less ,just get lost and stop being so high and damn mighty I know I’m a very average player ,thanks for pointing it out again damn I mean you’re so good, good for you lucky you that you find it so easy to be a 2000 house point for you

Wow, you should just be appreciative of his analyses and help, he's spot on too
@Schtaeve said in #35:
> There's no need to get abusive. You've got absolutely zero proof your opponents are cheating, other than you losing games.
> It's far more likely that you've played poorly. The game before that, you played an unsound sacrifice that put you -4. The game before THAT, you trapped your own knight, putting you -9 on the engine.
> These are all on Classical games and you're spending very little time on your moves.
> What I'm trying to say is it would be a far more constructive use of your time to address issues like that which you can control, rather than worrying whether or not your opponent is cheating.
Ok sorry you don’t need to destroy a few of my drunk games that I lost after being up for 24 hours . It’s a general feeling. I know you won’t understand if you don’t know and if you did know you d be saying exactly what you’re saying and saying there isn’t a problem with cheaters . It’s catch 22 them and us look up Plato’s analogy of the cave that might help you open your mind just even a little and see where I am coming from you made me feel small and stupid because you think you’re better than me that’s why I told you to shut up xxx
@SOJB said in #37:
> Ok sorry you don’t need to destroy a few of my drunk games that I lost after being up for 24 hours . It’s a general feeling. I know you won’t understand if you don’t know and if you did know you d be saying exactly what you’re saying and saying there isn’t a problem with cheaters . It’s catch 22 them and us look up Plato’s analogy of the cave that might help you open your mind just even a little and see where I am coming from you made me feel small and stupid because you think you’re better than me that’s why I told you to shut up xxx

You're deflecting. Clearly you find it easier to convince yourself that almost every player is cheating against you. I'm sure that's far more palatable than trying to actually learn something from your games.

Have fun with that attitude.
@SOJB said in #10:
> You’ve already given me my answer , I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’ve apologised if you think the cheat detection system catches sporadic cheaters then that’s great. But really if you were honest no one knows how much cheating there is ....... I mean no one knows .... how could anyone know ? xxx

Anyone can know if they download the games from last month and analyze using third party cheat software (side not does lichess include cheaters in this or not. If not then the ones we find lichess miss or are false postives)

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