
Telling the poor.........

Who says Ronaldo worth more than a nurse that changes your bed pan this is a stupid system and it's not working for us as human beings to care for each other and love one another xxx
They didn't start off with nothing , they sold their effing souls
They sold their happiness with it, they have money but they don't have time to enjoy it
@heckerboy said in #24:
> They sold their happiness with it, they have money but they don't have time to enjoy it
That is the first true thing you've said ,bravo xxx
@SOJB I must ask, is this another light hearted Troll thread like your one yesterday ? I'm not judging you, I'm only asking. Lol
No I'm serious about this one ,sorry been up 36 hours finished my voddie it's difficult to stop now . Maybe I should go and sleep it off ,thanks morning ,morning everyone xxx catch you all later signing off xxx
@SOJB said in #27:
> No I'm serious about this one ,sorry been up 36 hours finished my voddie it's difficult to stop now . Maybe I should go and sleep it off ,thanks morning ,morning everyone xxx catch you all later signing off xxx
Your saying xxx in every forum...
@heckerboy said in #20:
> It is not rich fault, they worked hard to be where they are, actually if it was not for them, people would be more poor since these persons are providing taxes, jobs...
> This is the government fault, where does taxes collected from multi millionaires go! What are they doing with taxes

Look, I'm all for blaming the government for stuff, but, in this particular discussion, I don't think the issue of taxing multi-millionaires is really relevant. The government has bills to pay, too (even if they don't always do it).

The correct way of blaming the government for this problem (if that is indeed the way you want to go) usually goes something like this:
The government's reckless use of price controls and minimum wage prevents lower income households from accessing higher paying jobs.

--clousems, Sensei of Capitalism

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