
Chess basics - Ruk get the stars number 4 cannot get a 3 stars

Have to get the stars in minimum moves, but can't get a 3 star. I did everything to minimize the move and get the stars, but I can only get 2 stars. Is it a bug, or am I dumb? If it's a bug fix it, if it's not a bug tell me how to get a 3 star. Tell me by coordinates. pls tell fast
If it is the 5th one, the moves are: Rfxf2 Rfxf7 Rfxb7 Rfxg7 Rfxg4 Then the other rook, Raxd1 Rdxd5
Thanks, but not the 5th one. I Needed the 4TH ONE, Clearly written in the title.
So pls send me the CORRECT one.
@KrishnaPriya9 said in #1:
> Have to get the stars in minimum moves, but can't get a 3 star. I did everything to minimize the move and get the stars, but I can only get 2 stars. Is it a bug, or am I dumb? If it's a bug fix it, if it's not a bug tell me how to get a 3 star. Tell me by coordinates. pls tell fast

you just have to find a way to move back and forth

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