
I got a hat trick in variants today - achieved Lichess yearly goal

This is my first forum post guys, forgive me pls.
Earlier this year I set a goal to achieve a minimum of 1400 ranking in three variants - namely atomic, antichess and three check.
Within a few months of playing regularly for a little bit everyday, I have finally achieved my Lichess goal for this year!
Atomic - currently 1404
Antichess - 1404
Three Check - 1404

In case you're wondering why I don't play standard...well I used to play anonymously without an account for a couple of years, since late 2018 or so, but kinda dropped out from standard once I made an account and discovered my love for variants.
Playing standard and studying theory is a time investment and my life as it is right now leaves no extra room for other things I'd love to pursue in my downtime.

For now, I'd love to master the variants (including the ones I haven't played yet) before I turn my focus to standard. Onto to next hat trick - crossing the 1600 ranking mark! :D
gg - quite a small step but one that will always be remembered. I was once 1800 atomic, and the reason i got there was my love for the game. If you want to spend the time and effort, you’ll probably get it back. Best of luck to 1600! <3
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> You are forgiven (just don't let it happen again!).

who hurt u man?
@n48r said in #5:
> who hurt u man?

Rather who hurt you?
Because the pain must still be there if you feel the need to apologize for a mistake you don't even know you made.
@Hitsugaya said in #6:
> Rather who hurt you?
> Because the pain must still be there if you feel the need to apologize for a mistake you don't even know you made.

Lmao, imagine taking the time out of your day to jump into a forum post just to defend the troll.
@n48r said in #7:
> Lmao, imagine taking the time out of your day to jump into a forum post just to defend the troll.

It's not to defend him, but to alert you; why apologize for an error you don't even know you made?

How do you even dare to write a post without it being perfect?
@Hitsugaya said in #8:
> It's not to defend him, but to alert you; why apologize for an error you don't even know you made?
> How do you even dare to write a post without it being perfect?

Sure, it's not. If it only wasn't so obvious.

Who died and made _you_ king?

You're clearly here to get a rouse out of something, as with all routine trolls. If you truly mean well, you would have chosen to convey the message differently.

If you'd only take a step back and see how ridiculous your last post sounds. You first jump into a forum post to defend the troll, then you ask the OP how dare they make a post? When it's not perfect? According to whom?

I only apologised in advance in case I posted in the wrong forum section. But nah, you had to keep picking on it.

The reason the off-topic forums are such a cesspool of negativity it's because of people like you and Pushwood, and all those 9 year old kids who have no business being on the internet unsupervised. Every other forum post ends in some crap-slinging piss-taking contest, when it doesn't have to be. People these days have completely lost all good manners because they can hide behind a mask, behind a screen. It's like they say - if you don't have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Wish people well, or don't and be on your way.
@n48r said in #1:
> This is my first forum post guys, forgive me pls.

@MrPushwood said in #2:
> You are forgiven (just don't let it happen again!).

Maybe without your big text in between you’ll get the joke?

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