
How to switch off opponent's chat during the game

Sorry, I am just blind (I guess). How do I switch off opponents chatter by default?
I think I can tick/untick the box during the game, but I just want to stop it by default.
Any way?
By switching on zen mode
And I think once you switch off the chatbox
It won't show you chatbox unless you switch it on again
I don't think there's a way to switch it off by default but you can try Zen mode.
It's under Preferences -> Game Display -> Zen Mode -> Yes

During the game you won't be able to see the chat, but once the game ends, it exits Zen Mode until you start the next game.
When you click on your name on the top right while you are playing, there is the zen mode button. If you click on that, it hides the chatbox.

I could suggest a bit of an workaround.
In 'Spieleinstellungen' you can switch to the zen-mode as default - maybe this solves your problem as well.

soooo - and now i have to solve the mate in one capture
You can also switch to Notes tab, next game you start will show this instead of tab. Also possible to use userstyles to hide it completely.
Switching off chatbox works, as it keeps this for the next game. Would be nice if you could set it in a way that only friends can chat with you.
You can just ignore anyone you don't want to chat with. Even if you turn off chat, your opponent can still type on the chat box. It's just that you won't see it. You can only control if your opponent can send you a message or not. You can not control if your opponent can type on the game chat or not.
You cannot ignore, insistent bagging for draw/takeback, insults, thrash talk all affect concentration. It is better to switch it off. A chess site is no chat box.

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