
Join a Simul to play against an NM!

if i was a NM, whatever that is, i wouldn't want to go over games i'd played in a simul against a flock of dumb patzers.....
Good job! You managed to insult everyone. (if that is your intention which I assume it is)
You insulted NMs by not knowing their existence and you managed to insult everyone else by well... "a flock of dumb patzers" whatever patzers are.
@Breeze_Bot nope, you are wrong......... i did not mean to insult eveyrone. i was just trying to point out that the logic of some presumably highly rated chess master happily going over a bunch of ----------- patzer games ---- and offering free analysis seems dubious. i suppose i'm a cynical sort, and can't really see some NM (whatever that is, i assume a title?) giving something away for free. in fact, when i looked at the simul, it looks like there's one contestant, total. is he going to get his simul if there are not enough contestants?

@MoonRising always good to have a peanut gallery.........he he.

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