
Custom Background not working?

When I paste the custom background into the URL box, I get an error: Error Max Length.

Is there any way to resolve this?
Here's one:
Another thing is that google, imgur, etc like to insert tracking layers between users and the actual data in most URLs. We don't bother if it's not a direct link. Therefore you want your browser's right click on image -> "Copy Image Link" rather than right click -> "Copy Link."
@Lukasel said in #6:
> This is not a URL for an image, but for a google search result page that contains images. The actual image URL is:
> And that works just fine.

I'll try that, thanks.

@schlawg said in #7:
> Another thing is that google, imgur, etc like to insert tracking layers between users and the actual data in most URLs. We don't bother if it's not a direct link. Therefore you want your browser's right click on image -> "Copy Image Link" rather than right click -> "Copy Link."

Thank you! I'll know that for future reference!
It doesn't work for me. It says: Error, URL must use https.

I've also tried to insert https into the link, but it doesn't work.
Apparently Lichess removes the "https://" from URLs in forum messages. It is there though if you use your browsers copy link function. If you add it manually type (without the quotes) "https://" in front of the URL I posted.

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