
Social behaviour

Is it just me, encountering the lack of social behaviour over here? I for one do start a game with "good luck". Mostly: no reply. In case I do loose a game - and that happens fairly often since I am a 80 plus old timer - I do congrat my opponent. Again: no reply.

I may be old school - well, I am - but it seems to me manners overall do not count anymore. A pitty indeed as far as I am concerned. Question remains: am I the only one?
I play in Zen mode, so I don't even see chat. I'm not here for chat.
Idk if its just the difference in time control, but I start a game with Good Luck, Have Fun! and often I'll get a you too. Maybe just a blitz thing though, not sure.
I also play in zen mode, partly not to be disturbed by chat during the game, partly because I prefer not to know who is my opponent and if I'm supposed to win or lose. But I'm always willing to discuss the game once it's over - which is something that probably works better with longer time controls than in blitz (or even bullet) where people tend to either ask for a rematch or go on and start another.

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