
Problems with Lichess in my opinion

The concept of this free chess service is tangled in my opinion.

It is not a business so some of the staff don't think they need to be polite like they would be in customer service. I must note that some of the staff are extremely polite and give great customer service even though the site is free.


But what I have found to be pretty disgusting is the manner and tone of the site's founder's comments and replies on the forums. They are very blunt and even arrogant in their tone.

Since this is his job and he is getting paid I think it is very poor that he still treats this place as his pet project. I know this place started as such but if you are working a job and getting paid then you most definitely should assume a customer service mindset and always reply with politeness.

What I also find disgusting is the "person cult" of thibault. Some people are almost worshipping him, many are definitely sucking up to him. His staff are happy to work for free to him while he gets paid and his staff are the first ones to defend his salary. These are all signs of a cult, I'm not saying this place is a cult, I'm saying there is a social structure of a cult here and the leader is on a pedestal.

The financial side of this site is also regretful. I wanted to donate to this site but when I looked into it I found the financial concept to be very self-destructive. I posted critique about the financial decision making and got attacked by many of the staff because of it.

It is a very poor idea to hire a full time employee when the sole source of income is donations. It is burning money basically.

Instead the site could invest part of the donations and thus create stable income which would be a sensible basis to hire an employee. The investment options are endless, the site could sell server space for example.

Nobody wanted to hear this advice and the treatment I got from the staff was abysmal (apart from 1 guy who was very polite).

I think this site is THE best platform for chess. It works GREAT! And thibault and the staff are GREAT programmers and developers.

However, I have considered stopping playing here many times because of the issues I have stated in this post. Think about that for a while? The best site to play chess, but it has social issues that are so disgusting that I want to leave. That should raise an alarm bell.

I have had thibault blocked for months and I have played here trying to stay out of "politics", thinking that sure the spiritual core is rotten here, but the chess platform works so great that I can just play here as long as the site survives (it is a sinking ship in it's current path). But I'm starting to feel like it's not a good trade.

I'm supporting a rotten spiritual core by playing here. I wish you did something about it. It's stupid to have the best platform for chess online ever and play these little games with the site.

Grow up, start treating this site as a service instead of a pet project or this site WILL NOT LAST.

Best regards,

Cool. I've always wanted to be a bad boy.

Almost all of your facts are wrong so it's hard to take the post serious.

How about you reply the issues I raised?

I have sources (mainly my topic in the feedback forum) but I'm not going to take the time to find it link the page when you are just playing ego-games.

You have said I am not serious and my facts are mostly wrong. So what are the facts? Where am I wrong?
There are toxic people in any community who give "free advice" and get very angry when it's not acted on.

You're one of them, congratulations.
Respect is mutual. If you treat us with respect, we treat you with respect.

Of course, you are free to have and voice your opinion. But, you cannot expect others to share your opinion. If you decide to voice your opinion in a public forum you should expect to have your views challenged. This is especially true when your facts are solely based on your personal opinions.

You claim that the current approach is not economically sustainable. Yet, lichess is thriving and doing better than ever before. This might suggest that you are wrong.

You also claim that founder isn't taking the site serious. Claiming that it's just a pet project of his. This is so far from the truth as you can get. This is his full time job.

It is also very hard to take you serious when you tell every team member to grow up.

If you don't want to support lichess, then don't. If you do not want to play on lichess, then don't.

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