
I failed

ChessOver the boardTournamentStrategy
This is the story of two massive fails

I was playing in a tournament in Philadelphia. This was the first game in the open tournament I was playing a 1690 things were going so well. I was up a minor piece for 2 pawns, he looked like he would create a passed pawn so I went for the attack. Then blundered a queen and knight fork if I moved the queen I would just be down a pawn so I went for a check. I thought I was winning. Then the worst thing that could happen happened
I blundered my queen when a stupid pawn was literally attacking it. I was so disappointed then I lost the next 3 games and the tournament was a complete disaster. I got 1.5/5 which to me is terrible. That was the worst performance out of all the tournaments I have played.

I was at a K-5 tournament in Connecticut. I was playing a 500 and the opening was terrible I lost my F pawn next to my king and almost lost to a person 1100 points higher than me. I won 4/4 this 1900 won 4/4 too. We had to play blitz to determine who would win. The rules were black got 4 minutes but got draw odds. White got 5 minutes and no draw odds. I lost in 15 moves (the game was about a minute lol) I was not really disappointed though but still a little sad but I dealt with it and got a 2nd place trophy.