
Play like Aron Nimzowitsch as Black (Legends of Chess Series)

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Learn to master hyper-modern style and positional play like chess legend Aron Nimzowitsch as you play through his 113 victories with the Black pieces

Legends of Chess Series

Aron Nimzowitsch is considered one of the most important players and writers in chess history. Nimzowitsch's book My System set out his hyper-modern ideas and stands the test of time as a greatly influential chess book. Nimzowitsch was also a very strong player and consistently had a top 5 world ranking during much of the 1910s and 1920s according to chessmetrics.

Nimzowitsch could have been a strong challenger to world champion Alekhine in the late 1920s but Alekhine passed him over to play Bogoljubov twice, perhaps because Nimzowitsch appeared too formidable an opponent.

The Study - Play like Aron Nimzowitsch as Black

This study includes Nimzowitsch's 113 victories with the Black pieces that he earned in his career. The study presents the full games. As you play thru the games you should be internalizing Nimzowitsch's crushing plans, strategies and tactics in a guess-the-move style of learning.

Here is the study:


To get the most out of this study you should add the LichessTools browser extension. LichessTools allows you to play through all the games/variations in an interactive lesson chapter (rather than just the single main line). So if you decline to add LiChess Tools then you are only playing 10% of the study. Available here:

