
How to play the opening right?

i will give you in this post 5 tips for beginner players to get better at the opening

how to open the game?

there is no right way of playing but i will show you how to open the. the opning game is not theroy or variants it is five rules that if you follow will get you better at the start of the game (the opening)

the five tips

1: bring your minor pieces kinghts and bishops and do it faster then your oponnent
2: control the center with pawns
3: casle the king to safty
4: Don't waste time in the opening on just moves like a3 that you don't need

now a litle bit of theroy

here or some Opening options for white
1: pawn to e4 is the most populer
2: d4 is also very populer it is more usely playd at higher levels (1700-2800 fide)
3: nf3 populer as well as d4 but almost always playd at higher levels (2300-2800 fide)

i recomend 1 e4 cuz its the most tactical and fun to play
but you need to lern more to play them