
How Grandmasters Memorize Opening Variations

@Avetik_ChessMood said in #1:
> Black starts the game!


For decades(!) I've recommended Chess Openings Wizard users TRAIN WITH THE COLORS REVERSED. (Since COW is position-based and not move-based this is very easy to do.)

As you say, this will instantly show students where they have memorized moves without understanding the position. Understanding is the key.
> When you play 1...e5 you’ll mess up your variations more often than when you play 1.e4. And that's good!
> Why? Because you’ll know which openings you understand worse. And then you can go back to those openings and work on them more.

So, basically, those principles could apply to any position with the same board configuration. or similar.

The name of the opening is only there as a retrieval address for existing records or literature or database information.

What is memorized is not the sequences of moves, but the position features or aspects and the move patterns that lead to beneficial other position features. The physics of chess, which could be applied to any unnamed deep position, where the ideas understood apply. That is what makes chess still rational beyond our calculation breadth maximal capacity. Not all distinct position are actually equally distinct from each other.

I make a difference between memorizing a SAN move sequence, or even just a hand-move sequence, from being able naturally to recall consciously or not (to make a move there is some conscious involved!), the natural dynamic patterns to go from static pattern of issues on the current board to future static pattern of improved odds. It is more like internalization of the emerging forces on the board, than memorization. Somehow memorization is akin to verbatim move by move, more than position by position. The temptation is that one could memorize only the actions to do, assuming the opponent will cooperate on the latest swarming of opening rage, and one would only have to start looking at the board when the cooperative book theory ends, or luckily, the opponent of similar physics internalization level, would have forgotten the specific change of piece placement that should have followed the last opponent piece displacement, and poof! magics.

I appreciate that it might be a hook to that temptation, and then you seamlessly open the door to what is really going on behind those wall of SANs in your intro picture. It was a satire. ... :)

The quote is about what I will keep in mind. As a new deliberate angle of study. I always thought it was important to do perturbation experiments.. .look from many angles. glad to know it is legit mindset.