
The World Champions' Weirdest Pets - Wilhelm Steinitz and the King's Gambit

19 • FischyVishy •
  1. The King's Gambit
  2. Wilhelm Steinitz - Camille Moriau
  3. Wilhelm Steinitz - Adolf Anderssen
  4. Wilhelm Steinitz - Gustav Richard Neumann
  1. FischyVishy

The World Champions' Weirdest Pets - Wilhelm Steinitz and the Vienna Game

17 • FischyVishy •
  1. The Vienna Game (+Gambit)
  2. Wilhelm Steinitz - Dionisio M Martinez
  3. Wilhelm Steinitz - Walter Penn Shipley
  4. Wilhelm Steinitz - George Brunton Fraser
  1. FischyVishy

Stockfish vs. Komodo, Grand Prix Attack

17 • FischyVishy •
  1. Stockfish vs. Komodo TCEC
  1. FischyVishy

Blog Post #2 - Understanding Chess Engine Evaluations

14 • FischyVishy •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. FischyVishy

The World Champions' Weirdest Pets - Emanuel Lasker and the King's Gambit

13 • FischyVishy •
  1. The King's Gambit
  2. Emanuel Lasker - H K Walker
  3. Emanuel Lasker - T Jacks
  4. Emanuel Lasker - David Janowski
  1. FischyVishy

The World Champions' Weirdest Pets - Wilhelm Steinitz and the Dutch Defense

13 • FischyVishy •
  1. The Dutch Defense
  2. The Staunton Gambit
  3. Valentine Green - Wilhelm Steinitz
  4. John Owen - Wilhelm Steinitz
  1. FischyVishy

10 Positions Stockfish 11 Can't Solve

11 • FischyVishy •
  1. Not What We're Looking For #1
  2. Not What We're Looking For #2
  3. Not What We're Looking For #3
  4. #1 - Gijs van Breukelen (Plaskett's) Puzzle
  1. FischyVishy

The World Champions' Weirdest Pets - Emanuel Lasker and the Vienna Game

10 • FischyVishy •
  1. The Vienna Gambit
  2. The Vienna Game
  3. Emanuel Lasker - NN
  4. Emanuel Lasker - Walter Penn Shipley
  1. FischyVishy

Attacking Patterns #2

8 • FischyVishy •
  1. #10 (The Exchange Nabber): The Pattern
  2. #10: One Thing to Remember
  3. #10: How the Pattern Plays Out
  4. #10: Sample Game #1
  1. FischyVishy

Week 2 - French Steinitz Thematic

8 • FischyVishy •
  1. The Author vs. Calm Assassin
  2. Future Annihilator vs. Creative Genius
  3. Creative Genius vs. Future Annihilator
  4. Calm Assassin vs. Creative Genius
  1. FischyVishy

General Concepts (Principles)

8 • FischyVishy •
  1. General Concepts #1 - Famous Game
  2. General Concepts #1 - Other Example(s)
  3. General Concepts #2 - Famous Game
  4. General Concepts #2 - Other Example(s)
  1. FischyVishy


7 • FischyVishy •
  1. Game 1
  2. Game 2
  3. Game 3
  4. Game 4
  1. FischyVishy

Alphazero vs Stockfish

7 • FischyVishy •
  1. AlphaZero - Stockfish
  2. AlphaZero - Stockfish
  3. AlphaZero - Stockfish
  1. FischyVishy

Fischy at a Friendly Teams Rapid Tournament

7 • FischyVishy •
  1. Hassan Jouni (1731) vs. FV
  2. FV vs. Michel Adeimi (1981)
  3. Sameer Sursock (Unrated, 2048 standard) vs. FV
  4. Faisal Khairallah (2235) vs. FV
  1. FischyVishy

a6 in the Pircs

7 • FischyVishy •
  1. 5. Bc4 w/ The Classical Formation
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. FischyVishy

Nakamura's Secret Weapon Against the Réti Opening - Study #2

7 • FischyVishy •
  1. Boryboy - Hikaru
  2. Boryboy - Hikaru
  3. Boryboy - Hikaru
  4. Boryboy - Hikaru
  1. FischyVishy