
Search "user:chenny123"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Ruy Lopez sideline#14

@Skittle-Head said in #13: > I've been playing that opening of late... I got tired of playing rook to e4. Lichess calls the opening the Ruy Lopez Morphy Def. Norwegian Variation. - :] > - > > - I thin…

General Chess Discussion - Ruy Lopez sideline#12

@Edo_Cribbio said in #8: > It's just bad because it's like an Italian but giving black the extra move a6 for absolutely no reason. you just lost a tempo. I think it's not a coincidence that basically …

General Chess Discussion - Ruy Lopez sideline#6

@Grandwizzard said in #3: > You have lichess look it up. Then again you can also wait for someone to chew it up then feed it to you. Lol Thank you very much for your incredible insight, im impressed t…

General Chess Discussion - Ruy Lopez sideline#1

I am looking for resources as white in the line: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bc4. I know its not objectively the best but its still an interesting and equal enough position thats been played at t…

Lichess Feedback - Customization#1

It would be cool if people could import images to represent each chess piece (similar to how we can change the background to an image of our choice. It would be cool if we could have complete control …

Lichess Feedback - Mobile Studies#1

When will the ability to create/edit studies come to the IOS mobile app?

Lichess Feedback - The "Give your opponent extra time" button is only used maliciously#3

Wasting people's time, even if you are upset at a loss, is never kind. the option to resign is there with you from move one.
