
Search "user:Zara90"

58 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - vitamins.#6

I heard that Vitamin B, at least the german variant, drastically increases probability of accomplishment.

Game analysis - haha! Got your queen!#2

I like the one when your opponent makes a mussive blunder and loses his queen... on the condition he immediately resigns afterwards

Off-Topic Discussion - Death penalty - Our western dubbel standard#23

@stonecollector You are confusing some generally applied principle by the EU with the moral people feel and live. There is no WE in this uniun at least not yet. The key factor is stability and the DP …

Off-Topic Discussion - Death penalty - Our western dubbel standard#20

Lets do some lobotomies B*****s. Yeah, it just a cheap trick... zapzapzap and ice pickle into the head... ehm... into the brain I mean... I mean just go berserk in the neocortex. Just cut it until you…

Off-Topic Discussion - Death penalty - Our western dubbel standard#19

@Proustino Okok It is still a conflict. Life is valuable up to a certain point. If you go to a train station it gets obvious. You could technically install a System that rules out someone falling onto…

Off-Topic Discussion - Death penalty - Our western dubbel standard#17

In Germany, specifically in Hessen, the death penalty is still part of the legislation. It will never again be executed because a) one needs precedence and b) higher instances. Regarding the moral poi…

Off-Topic Discussion - Call Me Maybe Songtext#11

@Unthinkabl3 maybe

General Chess Discussion - cheating#19

@karlgoethebier "The Azande practice of curing epilepsy by eating the burnt skull of a red bush monkey, based on the apparent similarity of epileptic mov…
