
Search "user:Schachheld"

19 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - additional analysis function#1

what about additional analysis features like pawnstorm, sacrifices, short games, and so on? would it be possible to implement such a tool for the users

Lichess Feedback - lichess-games embedding on websites possible?#5

still no answer from the lichess developers

Lichess Feedback - lichess-games embedding on websites possible?#4

maybe that issue is not so important for the developer. sadly thibault or other developers answers not until now. and You are right Scala, posting in facebook would also great ....this feature would m…

Lichess Feedback - 3D chessboard feature#2

yes, the first board you habe shown us would be perfekt. the lichess 3d graphics are not that good

Lichess Feedback - lichess-games embedding on websites possible?#1

is it possible to embed lichessgames playable on websites like blogs by using embedcode. i mean not to post the code who leads back to the lichess-site. instead of that the games should are playable d…

General Chess Discussion - Why Losing so much Elopoints (50-100) in a single game?#1

Frome time to time i see players losing a lot of elopoints in a singele game. why is that?

Lichess Feedback - more statistics#1

this site is great. but what about more individual statistics? any ideas out there?

Lichess Feedback - why not showing imported games with comments?#1

imported games can be viewt and replayed on lichess but without the original comments in the pgn, why is that? it would be nice to share not only the games on lichess but also the ideas during the gam…

General Chess Discussion - Why is analysis not possible in imported games like here?#4

Good to know. This game was Nakamura against Stockfish played under special conditions.

General Chess Discussion - Why is analysis not possible in imported games like here?#1 This game can not be analysed in lichess. Why is that?
