
Search "user:Resurr3ction"

47 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Coorospondence rating counts not correct#2

I am very sure that this is because the games use the rating you had when you started the game. If your rating changes during that game it is not displayed in the game window. This is also the case if…

General Chess Discussion - DWZ-rated tournaments in Germany#4

In diesem Video werden einige bekannte Seiten genannt, auf denen ein ständig aktualisierter Turnierkalender zu finden ist. Es ist zwar 30 Min. lang, lohnt sich aber auf jeden Fall es ganz anzuschauen/…

General Chess Discussion - Looking for Software for Automatic Evaluation and Commenting of Variations#2

I only have really old versions from Fritz but they do that very well. There were a lot of settings for different types of analyses, with or without text, analysing only the game or also the variation…

General Chess Discussion - Wie kann ich Remis anbieten?#2

Doppelklick, dann steht das Angebot auch im Chat links neben dem Brett (wenn am PC/Laptop).

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle #7d03b#3

I am sure the puzzle is correct. White has 3 only moves to find to give a mate in 3. I don't know what you mean with your last sentence, maybe you changed the position of some pieces later in the anal…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Bug - #XMP7R#2

I don't think so. Okay, you can win a bishop, but isn't there an even better move?

Lichess Feedback - Is it possible to download the APK file of the new Lichess app?#2

Not sure how the app is distributed but you can get an alpha version (for testing) after joining this team and then registering in a Google-group: . The l…

Lichess Feedback - Very weird Stockfish evaluation#2

Wow, that is really weird and a great find. Even Nxf2 is the proposed move - as long as you don't add more lines. With 2 or more lines everything is back to normal. I have no clue how this can happen,…

Lichess Feedback - New board settings in account menu#4

Bug on Chrome/Windows: Board size isn't saved but instead always goes back to 100% after using slider to change the size and then closing and opening a random window, e. g. analysis, Lichess TV, etc..

Lichess Feedback - Evaluation goes from -2.2 to -3.5 . Move isn't marked as inaccuracy/mistake/blunder in analysis.#2

The marks come from the automatic analysis and there the evaluation doesn't change that much, only by -0.2. This automatic analysis is just a quick blunder check and shouldn't be taken too seriously. …
