
Search "user:MiKoS89"

16 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 13 NNUE on Lichess#98

Yes Great stuff, but still it says " Stockfish 10+ in your local browser" with the last version of Crome ( playing from a tablet)... How can I fix this? @revoof "diagnosticsVersion":6,"navigator":{"us…

Lichess Feedback - Local browser analysis#5

{"diagnosticsVersion":5,"navigator":{"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-T719) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36","platform":"Linux armv8l","chrome…

Lichess Feedback - Local browser analysis#1

Why I can't use last version of Stockfish to analyze my moves? Still am reading "Stockfish 10+ in your local browser". How can I upgrade or fix this bug? Am using the last version of Crome... Thanks l…

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 12 on Lichess#111

Why when I enable the engine,it says stockfish 10+ WASM ? Should not be Stockfish 12?

Lichess Feedback - Unable to play tournaments because of reconnections#1

Unable to play tournaments because of reconnections, is that appening to you? What can I do?

General Chess Discussion - Announcing our new logo! #242

Mms... Smells like an April Fools joke. Sembra un pesce d'Aprile. Parece una broma del Dia de los Inocentes. Great job!!! Ahhaahhahah

Lichess Feedback - Lichess is boring #4

What are u talking about? There are so many turnament and challages... Lichess is the best!

Lichess Feedback - Lags with the new version of crome#1

Lags with the new version of crome

General Chess Discussion - To grant a takeback or not, #11

i swiched takeback off for rated game... but all the takeback u want in casual... i believe its the better way to deal whit it ...

Lichess Feedback - Bug. Can not move king anymore when checked #25

today all is ok... ty
