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31 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Is there a way to have the Puzzles show you motifs that you tend to lose in your games?#1

So I know there is a Learn From Your Mistakes option after games and I love it, but Im wondering if its possible to have Lichess look into your games and, for example, if you tend to miss forks, but c…

General Chess Discussion - What does a good opening repertoire (for White) look like?#1

Im well below the level where I really need to worry about openings, but at the same time, I would like to know enough to at least get to a playable middlegame. I usually feel pretty comfortable as Bl…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess: is it really that nonprofit?#43

Danny Rensch? Is that you?

Lichess Feedback - Conditional Premoves?#1

I hear Lichess did this at one point. Was it removed? Is it still here but Im missing it? If its not here, what are the odds we'll get conditional premoves in the future? Especially for correspondence…

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