
Search "user:ToniFeloni"

17 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - How can I opt out of playing against cheaters?#4

Thanks a lot for your answers. I really think that there should be such an option. Until then I will make it a habit to check each opponent before I make my first move. Playing rated games is no solut…

Lichess Feedback - How can I opt out of playing against cheaters?#1

I am sorry if this question has already been answered elsewhere. I looked for a solution, but didn't find one. I wonder if I can somehow prevent players who use computer help from playing with me. Qui…

General Chess Discussion - Chess website rankings#8

I take back the first question, the Link data is also derived from Alexa.

General Chess Discussion - Chess website rankings#7

Does anyone know how the "Links" number on is calculated? Some numbers seem pretty implausible to me. And what does "PR" mean?
