
Search "user:Schachheld"

19 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Analysis-Feature TRAP-Moves#1

What about a Feature for recognizing TRAP-Moves in a game like in the following game because, sometimes we play not the best moves, for get a game over very quick.

Lichess Feedback - posting games im wordpress#3

this feature would make lichess superior in terms of chesspublishing . then everybody can play, share an publishing games without any other need i'm pretty sure...lichess will have this feature very s…

Lichess Feedback - posting games im wordpress#1

can one post replayable games in blogs like wordpress using lichess (java)code?

General Chess Discussion - Where to find imported games?#1

in my userprofil in don't find an option to have a look on my imported games. how can i do so?

Lichess Feedback - chessengines room#1

whern will lichchess have a room for playing engine-engine matches or centaur-chess by using engines?

General Chess Discussion - I don't see my followers anymore - how is that?#10

@thibault we are still waiting for an answer

General Chess Discussion - I don't see my followers anymore - how is that?#8

@tibault when i enter the playing side i can read messages like this here: sombra03 competes in Lichess Hourly Blitz Turnier vor 15 Tagen sombra03 competes in Lichess Hourly Bullet Turnier vor 15 Tage…

General Chess Discussion - I don't see my followers anymore - how is that?#2

Maybe it would be helpfull to create a list of followers with several informations about the player?

General Chess Discussion - I don't see my followers anymore - how is that?#1

Since a few weeks I don't see my followers anymore on the left side when I play games - how is that? Can anybode confirm this?
