
some keyboard shortcuts are broken. also, two suggestions

In analysis, the j and k keys are supposed to move forward and backward, respectively, but currently this is reversed: j moves forward and k moves backward. Also, both shortcuts for both entering and exiting variations are broken.

Also, two suggestions:

First, it's cool that you can press ? and a window of all keyboard shortcuts appears. However, presumably the reason you would press ? to see the shortcuts is because you don't know them. Currently (unless I'm missing something) the only way to learn about keyboard shortcuts is to know a keyboard shortcut that tells you about them. It might be nice to have some non-shortcut way of accessing that help window somehow.

Second, there is a convenient shortcut to focus the chat box, "/". However, once the chat has been focused (either through using that shortcut or chatting normally), none of the keyboard shortcuts work, since the keyboard is interacting with the chat now. It would be nice if making a move or otherwise clicking on the chess board unfocuses the chat, so that keyboard shortcuts would resume working.
I agree with #1

As for #2, you can click outside the chat box and the board (i.e. any of the grey space) to unfocus the chat

I made two suggestions a while ago which I think would complete keyboard functionality: allowing the 'home' and 'end' keys to skip to the start or end of the selected variation line, for much convenience. And second, once you're at the end of the variation line, being able to proceed to the real move using the right arrow.
j goes down the game moves, k goes up. That's how it works in vim.
The way "j" and "k" work is correct, but the keyboard shortcut cheat sheet has them in reversed order. Small detail though.

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