
How do I stop a player from spectating my games?

@Moosebonk said in #1:
> There's a player called rapingyu that I played against in a game, and now they spectate every game I play. Imagine a scenario in which you'd like to enjoy a game of chess, but are constantly reminded of a large, sweaty, overwhelming body ignoring your cries to stop. To somehow save some face in the eyes of society in terms of personal worth. Nah it's lichess nvm.

You're shy aren't ya?
Well this is one of a few reasons why there's a handy feature called "Zen Mode".
You should perhaps enable that mode.
Once you enable it, you wouldn't get to see your spectators.
Let me introduce the shy mode. Go in the menu and select move confirmation. Done.
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@Moosebonk I am not sure if your public announcement of your issue of being watched should work. Now many trolls may watch you playing, just to troll you.
I was wondering what would be a Gyu (because i was fortunate to read.. "Rap in Gyu")
Too bad i've thought for a few seconds and got what it meant.
Mods will see it soon enough and take action, i believe
(if they haven't already, since i can't find the profile as it was written).
Be funny if it just turns out that the guy's Chinese or something (and everybody's having the usual Moral Outrage Cow over nothing).
That might be gone, but we still have "raper", "raping", "rapingisfun" and the creative "rapingyourking"

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