
Hey guys check this out

This game is just a random example, I want to show you how we can now analyse move times.
On every rated game since yesterday, there is a new link "View game stats".

I hope it will help finding cheaters.
nothing extraordinary in that game

i mean, it all followed fairly fluidly

the motivations for the win were no more than 1 or 2 moves ahead at any time

black just made a lot of obvious mistakes (12...c6?, 16...e6?, etc)
efigenio cheats, 100% :)
What is funny is that he had his rating dropped, but the guy continues to cheat.
What a waste of time.
swsx999 looks really suspicious.
I mean, take a look at his graph -
The guy was playing for half a year and his rating never exceeded 1300 and then all of a sudden the insight came to him and he won almost every game.
Come on, this is so obvious.

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