
Bug with 960

Hello, during this game :

when I did castle, the king did not appeared on the right square on the board (whereas in replay it do), live it was displayed on b8
Then it remained on b8 all the game... and at the end when Qxa7, I did not understood why the interface do not let me play Kxa7 as my king was shown on b8...

By the way, i'm wondering if there are not some ambigous castling positions where the interface could not distringuish if you want a castle or a king move unless behing specificaly told. Adding a
a-side castle and h-side castle buttons for 960 chess would solve this...
For example, in that game that was cancelled, i don't know how the interface could distinghuish between Kb1 and 0-0.

First about the way to castle: there is no ambiguity. Moving the king by one square never castles, it always moves normally. If the king is next or close to the rook, then moving the king ON the rook
will castle.

About the bug: It looks like a rendering bug. What browser do you use (name+version, OS)?
I will fix the bug, but be aware that all rendering bug are always fixed by pressing F5 ;)
Ok, so the castling must sometime be done not by dropping the king on it's target square...
I'll try F5 in case... and my browser + OS is Firefox 5 + Windows 7
a slight aside,

when rematching on 960 games, is it possible to present a brand new board? in the spirit of 960

instead of recycling the last board played
Just got this bug too, after castling in Firefox 5 on Windows.
I should have looked here. I got the bug on Chrome browser. I reloaded multiple times and it didn't fix the position problem.

I was playing 960. I castled, but the king appeared to be in the wrong place (from my view). When I was checked, I couldn't move the king by clicking on the square it was on. I also wasn't able to
move it by clicking on the square it should have been on.

When I used the replay and analyse feature, The king appeared to be in the correct place (different from my view when I was playing the game).

Here's the link to the game:

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