
Play With A friend

is there anyway to set custom for clock or time in play with friend and casual games?
When you hit play with friend, the second from the top menuing option should be time control. You can have it as unlimited, correspondence, or real time. Unlimited essentially means no time limit. Correspondence would be at least 1 day PER MOVE. Real time you can adjust minutes per side and increment. You can have up to 180 min, and the biggest increment is 120 seconds.

If you're asking for more time for one person, or delay, I don't believe they are incorporated into lichess yet. Delay and increment play quite similarly imo, so no big issue there. If you want a time odds game, you can simply resign when the time falls below what you have. Let's say you wanted 5 minutes against an opponent who has 10 minutes, no increment. Set the clock to 10 min, and when you fall below 5 min, you can just resign to acknowledge the loss.

If you're asking for something other than I mentioned, let me know and I can see if I know of a workaround.
You can start the game with time you want to play with and increase your friend time by tapping + 15 seconds near his clock
When you hit play with friend, the second from the top menuing option should be time control. You can have it as unlimited, correspondence, or real time. Unlimited essentially means no time limit. Correspondence would be at least 1 day PER MOVE. Real time you can adjust minutes per side and increment. You can have up to 180 min, and the biggest increment is 120 seconds.

If you're asking for more time for one person, or delay, I don't believe they are incorporated into lichess yet. Delay and increment play quite similarly imo, so no big issue there. If you want a time odds game, you can simply resign when the time falls below what you have. Let's say you wanted 5 minutes against an opponent who has 10 minutes, no increment. Set the clock to 10 min, and when you fall below 5 min, you can just resign to acknowledge the loss.

If you're asking for something other than I mentioned, let me know and I can see if I know of a workaround.

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