
Bug. Can not move king anymore when checked

i have this bug...did somewone solved it in some ways?
I tried everything.
Deleted all history , cache , cookies , site data...
Restarted the tablet...

Nothing happened.
Any ideas??
More proof...

Atomic game. The King is checked. Impossible to move Ke8. I had to quit or I would lose on time.
I made an attempt to fix it. Please let me know if it's still broken after a page reload.
i found something to solve temporanely... go to setting menu and disable the option about " show last move and check " .... i tried some games... it actually work but ...the drawback is clear to all... you cant see last move and check on the board... but at least you can play :) maybe developers can check out some bug about this setting.... hope to help to solve totally the bug ....
@revoof : it seems to work again (i use a tablet with touch screen too) thank you very much ! now i have to win back my points lost by force ;)
Fixed for me. Cheerful thanks for your reactivity and dedication!

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