
i hate something

I really love Lichess

But some players.... i hate when someone see he is in losing position and leave the game without resigning , saying nothing. Yes we can force the win. BUT some people dont leave the game, they stay but dont play a long play it can be several minutes to wait. Why not resign ?? It makes me crazy
And thats what they want to accomplish, maybe... You should not give them the pleasure. Always have a nice book at hand which you can read in this little breaks. Or do some dumbbell workout. Maybe it is just the right time to eat an orange or a banana. I am quite sure it is. ;-)

You can not change the people, but you can change how it affects you.
And if you start to imagine the millions of reasons why someone would do that, try to imagine something like a 12 year old boy that was called by his mother to tidy up the room, maybe the chess addict that was caught by his fiancée playing online chess again, and is in a heavy argument right now. Oh that poor devil! In your imagination they could be not the sour losers that want to annoy you. They could be someone to pity cause you have a book and an orange and another win in chess, while they need to tidy up the room and argue with their girlfriend.
#1 is true, i met some of these players, but i not care, if them not resign and dont move anymore...for me is a satisfaction 😁
And don't forget the types who wait until the last minute, then make a move hoping you left and don't see it.

It's just how it goes sometimes. You can't really complain about how they use their time ultimately. After all you did agree to the time control. Just ride it out.
When that happens, I right click on link at the top and click 'open in new tab' and just start another game. Just keep an eye out on the title of previous tab to see if they sneakily made another move.

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