
Terra forming mars

Is it possible to convert red iron oxide into black iron oxide?How difficult would this be and how much would it raise the temperature of Mars?
@Dukedog said in #1:
> Is it possible to convert red iron oxide into black iron oxide?
Just paint it, black.
That's basically the idea
I see a red planet and I want to paint it black.
Hoping Obladie will weigh in with his opinion as a chemist.
Fair enough. The idea of terraforming Mars is, in my opinion, a way to avoid dealing with the fact that it is our lifestyle that is ruining the planet, and not have to face the facts. It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black.
I can agree with that.
A second planet for mankind might increase our chances for survival in the event of a cataclysmic event for planet Earth though I suppose you could argue we are that cataclysmic event.
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Saturn's moon Titan can be more easily terraformed. Are there any more rovers studying the planet of late?
no titan is too cold (-173 farenheit i think)
btw no rovers yet

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