
Lichess Master title development

I want to show you the idea about lichess giving titles for strong non titled online players.

The idea is to make various titles like GM or IM.
The only differences it will be Online GM or Online IM.
So it would be OGM, or OIM. There wouldn't be FM than,
in that place keeping the LM title - just LM.
Below would be ONM just for fun instead of OCM,
unless maybe some kind of vote to choose one of this.

For people asking what is this titile, the title appearing next to players name would be a link (maybe for some time) to the blog post explaining what are those titles.

I think that lichess basically own the internet chess so they have all the rights to make official online chess titles.

Requirements for example to discuss.

To become OGM, let's say to get bullet rating 2500 or 2600.
Or to get blitz rating 2500 points.
Or another time controls to hit some rating.

That's not all. You would also have to win against at least let's say
5 OGMs at least 10 games overall or more (real GMs count as well - otherwise nobody'd become OGM at the start) counting only games in the same time control as the required rating you hit.

Maybe somebody has idea for another OGM and other online titles norms.

For the other titles the other rating breakpoints obviously to discuss.

Just like all the rules to discuss.

Alongside with these rules could have been introduced title for Variants like VGM, VIM, VLM and so on (Don't confuse with MVL :P).
Each variant would have different requriments, just overal title
indicating Variants - V. So JannLee would be than VGM for example.

There is a guy who's great in horde Stubenfish - I bet he would be feeling great about becoming VGM.

All of these rules to discuss and master.
I think it would be lovely and fired up online chess sooo much!
So give your opinions and help to improve and develop that idea to make these happen!

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